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1. Mounika G, Sridevi K, Krishnaveni B, Kumar NP, Naidu H, Sahi BK. Evaluation of genomic damage from buccal epithelial cells in patients subjected to cone beam computed tomography. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2021;33:372-8.
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3. Sherly Ruth, Koduri Sridevi, Buduru Krishnaveni, Nalli Prasanth Kumar, Katru Sreekar, Komma Leela Ramani. Saliva and Salivomics in the Diagnosis of Oral and Systemic Diseases:A Review. PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research 2021;10(5):8-12.
4. Katru Sreekar, Koduri Sridevi,Buduru Krishnaveni, Nalli Prasanth Kumar, Komma Leela Ramani, Sherly Ruth. Teeth as a tool in age estimation: A review. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2021;11(5):30-33.
5. Mounika G, Sridevi K, Krishnaveni B, Kumar NP, Naidu H. Thermography- A Review. Global Journal for Research Analysis 2021;10(4):98-101.
6. Harika N, Sridevi K, Krishnaveni B, Kumar NP, Mounika G. Antioxidants in Oral Diseases- A Review. International J of Sci Res 2021;10(4):7-9
1. G Krishna Teja , BL Rao , TSV Satyanarayana , TLG Sravanthi , D Padmini , CD Saikumar. Digital Record for Removable Denture Patients.Case Reports in Dentistry
2. LakshmanaRao Bathala, USB Lakshmi, Dasari Jyothsna, JagadeeswaraRao Sukhabhogi, Venkata Ramana Irukula. Dentist ‘An Arsenal’ in the journey of ‘Tooth in the Eye’- the Osteo-Odonto-Kerato-Prosthesis[OOKP]. J Phar Res Int 2023; 35(2): 20-29.
3. B.Lakshmana Rao, G.ChandraSekhar, Ragipindi N.R.Raviteja Reddy, P.Karthik, Y.Shivakiran, Sandeep Nalla. Survey to Assess Awareness and Knowledge on the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Dentistry among Dental Teaching Faculty from various Dental Colleges across India. J Pharma Res Int 2023; 35(9):1-14.
4. Dr. B. Bhargavi, Dr. Lakshmana Rao Bathala, Dr. Anne Sai Nitya Tejaswi, Dr. Konda Pragnya Sahithi, Dr. Bollu Sashank Sai. Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Dentistry: Boon or Bane? – A Narrative Review.Int J Sci Res 2023;12(5): 1896-1899.
5. Sathvika A, Rao B. L, Sudheer K, Padmini D, Sai Kumar C. Harika A. Awareness and knowledge about prosthodontic treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea among undergraduates and post graduate students of different dental colleges in Andhra Pradesh: an online survey. EJPMR 2023; 10(5):413-419.
6. Sai Kumar CD, Rao BL, Satyanarayana TSV, Padmini D, Sathvika A, Harika A.Student perspective of classroom and virtual learning during covid-19 pandemic in the undergraduate study program in Andhra Pradesh dental colleges.EJPMR 2023; 10(6):264-267.
7. D. Padmini , B. L. Rao , C. D. Sai Kumar, T. L. G. Sravanthi G. Krishna Teja, Karuna Murali.Guide Flange Prosthesis: A Case Report. Archives of Curr Res Int 2023; 23(6): 33-37.
8. Dr.A.Harika 1Dr.B.Lakshmanarao, Dr.B.Padmajadevi , Dr.E.Swathi devi. Are we smart enough to use smart technology’ internet of things (Iot) in dentistry? – a narrative review.Int J Sci Res Eng and Management 2023; 7(6):1-6.
9. Satya Sai Sruthi Yalamolu , Lakshmana Rao Bathala , Satyanarayana Tammineedi ,Sri Harika Lakshmi Parvathi Pragallapati , Chakradhar Vadlamudi. Prosthetic journey of magnets: a review. J Med and Life 2023;16 (4):501-506.
10. Konda Pragnya Sahithi, Dr. B.Lakshmana Rao, Dr. Konda Murali Mohana Rao.Minimally invasive tooth extractions- the newer advancements to the conventional techniques. Int J Sci Res Eng and Management 2023; 7(8):1-7.
11. B.LakshmanaRao , D.Sudha Madhuri, T.Pratyusha , U.S.B.Lakshmi , B.Ravi , G.Anvesh.Awareness and Knowledge of Dental Personnel on the Role of Internet of Things (IoT) in Dentistry- An Online Survey. Eur Chem Bull 2023,12(10), 13282-13295.
12. Dr. Konda Pragnya Sahithi, Dr. B. Lakshmana Rao, Dr. Konda Murali Mohana Rao. ‘Air abrasion’- the ultra-conservative method. Int J Sci Res Inno Studies 2023; 2(4):1-8.
1. Santhi B, Sudheer K, Rao BL, Mrudula A., Bhargavi B, Triveni M. Rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla with immediate loading of basal implants using CBCT stent: a case report.Int J of Curr Adv Res 2022;11(1):83-86.
2. Padmaja B, Rao B L, Satyanarayana T S V, Sravanthi T L G, Aditya K, Mrudula A G.Restoration of aesthetics is not only an option but also restoring function matters-a narrative review. Int J of Curr Adv Res 2022;11(1):106-110.
3. Jibi Joseph, Bathala Lakshmana Rao, TLG Sravanthi, PK Monika, Vathsalya GM.What does a ‘p’-value tells you about statistics?- A review. J Bio Inno 2022;11(1): 54-57.
4. Padmini D, Rao BL, Satyanarayana TSV, Sravanthi TLG, Santhi B, Aditya K.Musculus Buccae – the unsung muscle.J Bio Inno 2022;11(1): 138-144.
5. G.V.R.S.R. Krishna Teja, B.L. Rao, Nibha Kumari Singh, B. Santhi, Aditya K, Saikumar C D. Art opens the finest eye – a case report.J Bio Inno 2022;11(1): 175-181.
6. Chakradhar Vadlamudi , Lakshmana Rao Bathala , Satyanarayana S V Tammineedi , Bhargavi
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7. Santhi B, Rao BL, Satyanarayana TSV, Padmini D, Bhargavi B,Sai Kumar CD. Retention in maxillofacial prosthetics: a literature review.GLOBAL J RES ANALYSIS 2022;2(2):1-3.
8. Mrudula AG., Rao BL., Satyanarayana TSV, Aditya K., Sravanthi TLG, Padmaja B.Wound healing-concerned for prosthodontics. Int J of Curr Adv Res 2022;11(2):190-195.
9. Aditya K., Rao B L., Sravanthi T L G, Padmaja B., Triveni M, Mrudula A G. Purposeful preservation for implant placement– a narrative review. Int J of Curr Adv Res 2022;11(2):225-228.
10.Sai Kumar C D, Rao B L, Satyanarayana T S V, Sravanthi T L G, Krishna Teja G, Padmini D.Influence of excess cement and different techniques in excess cement removal in cement retained implant system.J Prosthod Dent 2022; 17(1) :45-55.
11. U. S. B. Lakshmi, B Lakshmana Rao, B Rajendra Prasad, Anusha Ch, P. V. B Chandra Shetty, Priyadarsini Sekar. Evaluation of flexural strength, surface roughness & water sorption of flexible denture base and conventional heat cure denture base materials- An invitro study.Int J Oral Health Dent 2022;8(3):236–241.
12. Sudheer Kondaka, Vankudoth Dal Singh, Chakradhar Vadlamudi, Lakshmana Rao Bathala.Prosthetic rehabilitation of untailored defects using patient‑specific implants. Dent Res J 2022;1-5.
13. Padmini D, Rao BL, Sudheer K, Krishna Teja G, Sai Kumar CD, Mrudula AG. A survey to assess the awareness and knowledge of post graduate students on mucormycosis in Andhra Pradesh – an online survey (pick it fast save precious life).EJPMR 2022,9(12): 319-324.
14. K. Satish Kumar Reddy , B. Lakshmana Rao b, V. Dal Singh , T. Murali Mohan , M. Manoj Kumar
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16. Padmini , Rao BL, Ravi B, Saikumar CD, Sathvika A, Swathi Devi E.Communication is the key between the dentist and the laboratory technician. Int J of Curr Adv Res 2022;11(11):1683-1686.
1. Sravanthi TLG, Rao BL,3Satyanarayana T,Krishna Teja G, Monika PK, Aditya K. Die materials and die systems. Int J of Curr Res 2021;13(2):16227-16232.
2. Sruthi YSS, Rao BL, Parvathi PSHL,Chakradhar V.Case Report on – Auricular Prosthesis. Int J Den Sci Inno Res 2021;4(1):372 – 375.
3. Dr. V. Chakradhar, Dr. B.Lakshmana Rao, Dr. Nibha kumari singh, Dr. S.Sirisha, Dr. Y. S. S. Sruthi,
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4. Sravanthi TLG, Rao BL,Sudheer K, Monika PK, SaiKumar C D, Bhargavi B. Expressions matter in Prosthodontics-A Narrative Review. Int J Curr Res 2021;10(1): 23892-23893.
5. Dr. Santhi B, Dr. Rao BL, Dr. Satyanarayana TSV, Dr.Sravanthi TLG, Dr.Satya Sai Sruthi Y, Dr.Parvathi PSHL.The preponderance of Kennedy’s Classification in the population of Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh-a 10 year retrospective study.Int J Curr Res 2021;13(3): 16483-16486.
6. Dr. G.V.R.S.R. Krishna teja, Dr. B.L. Rao, Dr. Nibha Kumari Singh, Dr. T.L.G. Sravanthi, Dr. P.K. Monika, Dr. K. Aditya.Being Unconventional in Complete Dentures: A Review.J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1):8-19.
7. Dr. P.K.Monika, Dr. B.L.Rao, Dr. K. Sudheer, Dr. Dr. Nibha K, Dr. GVRSR Krishna Teja, Dr. TLG Sravanthi.Management of external ear keloids using Custom-made Pressure Appliance: A Case Report. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1):20-28.
8. Dr. Y. Satya Sai Sruthi, Dr. B. Lakshmana Rao, Dr. Satyanarayana S V Tammineedi, Dr. G. Sirisha , Dr. C. Pallavi.Reweigh of classification of face bows and articulators with virtual reality – an innovation for perfection. J Pharm Sci Res 2021; 13(3):149-154.
9. Aditya K, Rao B L, Satyanarayana T S V, Sravanthi T L G, Krishna Teja G, Monika P K.A Survey on the Knowledge of complete denture impression Techniques among Dental Practitioners in East Godavari District. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1):36-51.
10. Parvathi PSHL, Rao BL, Satyanarayana TSV, Sruthi YSS, Padmini D , Chakradhar V.Craft of Choosing A Prime Luting Agent.J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1)(Addendum):1-9.
11. Dr. V. Chakradhar, Dr.B.Lakshmana Rao, Dr. T.S.V.satyanarayana,Dr. PSHL parvathi,Dr. Sravanthi, Dr. Santhi.Burgeoning Maxillofacial prosthetic materials. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1)-Addendum 1):68-81.
12. Sruthi YSS, Rao BL, Satyanarayana S V Tammineedi, Pallavi C.Prosthodontic management of mid- facial defect – A Case Report. J Bio Innov 10(2b): 60-65.
13. Sruthi YSS, Rao BL, Chakradhar V, Parvathi PSHL, Pallavi C.The role of occlusal factors in temporo mandibular diseases – A Systematic Review. J Bio Innov 10(2b):06-23.
14. Sravanthi TLG, Rao BL, Nibha Kumari Singh, Satyanarayana TSV, Krishna Teja G, Aditya K. A survey to assess the Awareness and Knowledge of Clinical students(iii &iv bds), Interns, and Postgraduates on dental considerations of patients with some systemic diseases in Andhra Pradesh – An Online Survey. Int J Adv Res 2021; 9(05);226-34.
15. Sravanthi T L G, Rao B L, NibhaKumari Singh, Santhi B, Bhargavi B, Saikumar C D.Perception about Corona Vaccination among Dental Personnel of Andhra Pradesh – An Online Survey. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (1)-Addendum 2):1-3.
16. Santhi B, BL Rao, Satyanarayana TSV, Sravanthi TLG, Chakradhar V,Padmini D. Why not Math in Prosthodontics. Int J Dent Sci and Inno Res 2021; 4(3): 527 – 531.
17. Dr. G. Krishna Teja, Dr. BL Rao, Dr. TSV Satyanarayana, Dr. TLG Sravanthi, Dr. K Aditya, Dr. PK
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18. Dr. V. Chakradhar, Dr. B. Lakshmana Rao, Dr. Nibha kumari singh, Dr. P S H L.Parvathi.Cheek lifting appliance: Case series. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (2)-Addendum 2):35- 41.
19. Dr. B. LakshmanaRao, Dr. Pradeep Sherigar, Dr. Lokanath Garhnayak, Dr.VikasPunia.ICT based teaching in dentistry -there is a plenty of scope at the bottom- A Narrative Review. J Prosthod Dent 2021;16 (2)-Addendum 2):35- 41.
20. Dr. Satya Sai Sruthi Y, Dr. Lakshmana Rao B, Dr. Karthik P, Dr.Raviteja Reddy Ragipindi,Dr. Chakradhar V, Dr.Parvathi PSHL .Appraisal Of Challenges Encountered During Postgraduate Program In Prosthodontics: An Online Survey. Bri J Pharma Med Res 2021; 06 ( 04):3386 – 3390.
21. Sruthi T,Rao B L,Yendluru Mercy, Pallavi choppa,Pratyusha T, Anvesh G.Knowledge and Attitude of Dental practitioners towards FPD impressions- A survey. J Curr Med Dent Sci 2021;1(1):1-5.
22. Dr. Y Satya Sai Sruthi, Dr. B Lakshmana Rao, Dr. G Sirisha, Dr. Parvathi PSHL, Chakradhar V. Surveying: the forgotten key step to success. Int J Curr Adv Res 2021;9 (8B):22956-960.
23. Sravanthi T L G, Rao B L,Aditya K, Padmaja B, Padmini D , Triveni M.Bone to implant interface: A Narrative Review. J Prosthod Dent 2021; 16(2-Addendum- 3):1-6.
24. Aditya K, Rao B L, Sudheer K, Sravanthi T L G, Mrudula A G, Padmaja B.The Biggest Nightmare- Black Fungus. J Prosthod Dent 2021; 16(2-Addendum- 2):10-19.
25. Mrudula AG, Rao BL, Sudheer K, Aditya K, Padmaja B, Triveni M. Control of Cross-Contamination in Prosthodontics during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review. J Prosthod Dent 2021; 16(2-Addendum- 3):1-16.
26. Sravanthi T L G, Rao B L, Nibha K Singh, Teja G, Aditya K.“Efficacy of ozonated oil and sodium perborate against candida albicans as denture cleansers and its effect on color stability in pmma resins”- A pilot study. Eur J Molec Cli Med 2021; 8(4):2105-118.
27. Sravanthi T L G, Rao B L, Padmaja B, Sruthi Y S S, Mrudula A G.Prosthodontics is an art and science – A Review. Int J Creative Thoughts 2021; 9(12):15-16.
28.Triveni M, Rao B L, Satyanarayana T S V, Saikumar C D, Aditya K,Sravanthi T L G.Non surgical approach to treat obstructive sleep apnoea patients – A narrative review. Int J Curren Adv Res 2021; 10(12 A): 25594-596.
29. Santhi B, Rao B L, Krishna Teja G, Aditya K, Padmini D, Padmaja B.Presentation of different signs and symptoms of covid-19 among dental fraternity in the state of Andhra Pradesh – A web based survey. Int J Curren Adv Res 2021; 10(12 B): 25689-693.
1. Kondapalli Haritha, Rachuri Punithavathy, Satyam Martha , Aditya P.V.A , Manikanta N , Vejju Vasanthi, VeenaA Randomized Trial of Direct Pulp Capping In Primary Molars Using Theracal Compared To 3mixtatin: A Novel Pulp Capping Material. J Med Dent Sci Res 2024;11(2):01-04.
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1. PanangipalliSS, Vasepalli M, Punithavathy R, Birapu Prevalence of Traumatic Injuries to Permanent Anterior Teeth and Predisposing Risk Factors among Government and Private School Children of Kakinada and Rajanagaram of East Godavari District. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (5):596-602.
2. Adusumilli Venkata Surya Pavan Kumar, Dr. L. Meghana, Dr. M. Sriramya, Dr. S.R.D.S.Manikanta N, “Ozone – A revolutionary therapy in dentistry -A review”, IJMACR- March – April – 2022, Vol – 5, Issue – 2, P. No. 206 – 211.
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4. Kalisipudi S, Punithavathy R, Lalitha Naga Poornima, S Dedeepya Devi, G Prathyusha.Marsupialization: a better treatment modality in the management of dentigerous cysts associated with erupting young permanent tooth- Case series and Literature J Med Dent Sci Res 2022;9(10):123-129.
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1. | Sravya V, Deepa VL, Lalitha PL, Komandla DR, Bollu IP, Dalavai P. Role of phosphate-buffered saline on push-out bond strength of MTA Flow™ and Biodentine™ after acid challenge: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent. 2022 May-Jun;25(3):264-268. |
2. | Shaik RT, Uppalapati SVV, Uppu LN, Sudhamsetty S, Kumar DP, Kumpatla M. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of Canal-Centering Ability for Traditionally Used Nickel Titanium and Nickel Titanium Files with Reciprocating Hand Piece and Wave-One Files. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2021 Jun;13(Suppl 1):S88-S91. |
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1. | Sreekar K, Prasanth T, Anusha G, Basavanthi K, Sai Sravya P, Hari Shanmukha B. Evaluation of radio-morphometric indices of the mandible using digital panoramic radiography: a radiographic study. Int J Dent Mater 2023;5(3):63-68. | 2023 |
2. | Chakravarthy Reddy YS, Koppolu P, Alotaibi DH, Alsinaidi AA, Mukhtar AH, Kakti AA, Abdelrahim RK, Lingam AS. Quantification and Comparison of Salivary Neutrophils in Periodontal Health and Disease. Niger J Clin Pract 2023;26 (9): 1283-1289. | 2023 |
3. | Ramya D, Chakravarthy YS, Anusha G, Santhi G, Srikanth Ch, Shiva Keerthi N. Assessment, awareness, and knowledge of different types of PRF among dental students: an online survey. Clinical dentistry 2023 XVII;19-23. | 2023 |
4. | Bhattacharyya S, Suresh D, Santhi G, Sandhu NS, Kuppusamy A, Kumar S. Relationship of Burnout and ExtraCurricular Activities among Dental Students: original research. J Pharm Bioallied Sci 2023;15(1):204-208. | 2023 |
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1. | Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of acarantrhes aspera gel and ornidazole gel along scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis a clinico microbiological study. IJMSIR | 2022 |
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3. | A Conservative Approach to Treat Chronic Periodontitis by Local Drug Delivery with Tetracycline Fibers and Metronidazole Gel-A Clinical Study. J Res Adv Dent | 2022 |
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1. | Amrutha K, Rupasree G, Chakravarthy Y, Bharath S R, Chaitanya P, Harika P. Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of 1.2% Atorvastatin Loaded in PRF with Collagen as a Barrier Membrane in Alveolar Ridge Preservation after Mandibular Molar Extraction. Acta Sci Dent Sci.2021;5:49-60. | 2021 |
2. | Efficiency of periodontal therapy for management of CVS diseases in patients with chronic periodontitis: An original research. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. | 2021 |
3. | Oral Health Status and Treatment Needs Among Indian Adolescents and Adults: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. | 2021 |
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8. | Evaluation of Regenerative Periodontal Therapy in Intrabony Defects with Single Flap Approach Using Bovine Xenograft in Smokers and Non-smokers. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences. | 2021 |
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2. | Anupama M, Manikanta K T, Ashok K P, Anusha G, Jyothi S, Sahana A. Evaluation of the anti-plaque efficacy of Chlorhexidine mouthwash immediately and after 30 minutes of brushing with fluoride toothpaste-A Pilot study. RGUHS J Dent Sci, 2019;11(2):17-21. | 2020 |
1. Himabindu D, Venkata Prasanna P, Vamsi Krishna Reddy V, et al. Influence of Different Mouth Rinsing Agents on Friction During Sliding Mechanics Between Orthodontic Metal Brackets and Stainless Steel Archwire: A Comparative In Vitro Study. Cureus.15(6): e41224.
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1. Mathew M, Joyshree C, Ratan VJ, Kartheek V, Thirumalai S, Banothu MN. Anti‑plaque efficacy of Hi‑Ora mouthrinse and 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate in patients with chronic gingivitis: A case–control study. J Oral Maxillofac Patho 2022;26:38-43.
1. Velagapalli Jessie Ratan, Kiran Kumar, Ravi Krishna K, Eswar Prasad, Pavan K, Siddhartha N, Naresh V. Evaluation of possible reasons for asymmetries associated with Class II subdivision, Class II division 1 and normal malocclusion. International Journal of Oral Health Dentistry 2021;8(4):287–291.
1 | Recommendations on the use of oral orthotic occlusal appliance therapy for temporomandibular joint disorders: current evidence and clinical practice. Darpan Bhargava, Camilo Chávez Farías, Ignacio Ardizone García, Louis G Mercuri, Suzie Bergman, M Anthony Pogrel, Andrew J Sidebottom, Samer Srouji, Mehmet Fatih Şentürk, P Elavenil, Kishore Moturi, P Ananthanarayanan, Preeti G Bhargava, Vankudoth Dal Singh | 2023 | DR. DAL SINGH PROF &HOD |
2 | Md. Zabirunnisa Begum, B. Naveen Bopanna, G. Anvesh, Kiran Karthik, B. Shantipriya, M. Vaishnavi Devi. A survey to assess patients’ satisfaction after complete denture rehabilitation in Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. Int J Health Sci Res. 2023; 13(11):1-6. DOI: 10.52403/ijhsr.20231101Clinical evaluation of Temporomandibular disorders.-Book | 2023 | DR. VAISHNAVI DEVI. (READER) |
3 | Devarapalli N, Awari A, Shinde AB, Yanaka KR, Dashatwar PD, Somaraj V. Evaluation of the various oral candida species among patients on hemodialysis: A clinical study. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2023;15:S213-7 | 2023 | DR.KAVITHA RANI Y. (Sr.Lecturer) |
1 | Appendix of clinical cases: transalveolar Extractions of thre mandibular Third Molars .vankudoth Dal Singh, Darpan Bhargava.2022 | 2022 | DR. DAL SINGH PROF &HOD |
2 | Reddy KSK, Rao BL, Singh VD, Mohan TM, Kumar MM, Karunakar P. Awareness and Knowledge of Dental Teaching Faculty on OSCE/OSPE Examination: An Online Survey. J. Pharm. Res. Int. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Feb. 8];34(61):66-75. Available from: https://journaljpri.com/index.php/JPRI/article/view/7278 | 2022 | DR. DAL SINGH PROF &HOD |
3 | Dal Singh V, Bhargava D. Appendix of clinical cases: Transalveolar extraction of the mandibular third molars. InTransalveolar Extraction of the Mandibular Third Molars 2022 Dec 28 (pp. 199-202). CRC Press. | 2022 | DR. DAL SINGH PROF &HOD |
4 | Kondaka S, Singh VD, Vadlamudi C, Bathala LR. Prosthetic rehabilitation of untailored defects using patient-specific implants. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2022 Oct 20;19:83. PMID: 36426284; PMCID: PMC9680695 | 2022 | DR. DAL SINGH PROF &HOD |
5 | Yanaka K, Vaybase VA, Wagh SB, Das S, Baig FAH, Dhamali D, Das A. Comparative evaluation of vertical bone loss after immediate implant placement with and without platelet rich fibrin placement. ijhs [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 11 [cited 2024 Feb. 8];6(S2):14579-87. Available from: https://sciencescholar.us/journal/index.php/ijhs/article/view/8821 | 2022 | DR.KAVITHA RANI Y. (Sr.Lecturer) |
1 | Clinical evaluation of Temporomandibular disorders | 2021 | DR. DAL SINGHPROF &HOD |
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1. | Prakash AJ, Surendra KS, Lakshmi MV, Shetty V, Jogi Reddy MM, Thomas VJ. Evaluation Of Crystallization Patterns In Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders And Oral Malignancies: A Prospective Study. J Cancer Res Ther. 2023 Jul-Sep;19(5):1170-1175. |
2. | Shetty V, Varalakshmi KS, Prakash AJ, Lakshmi MV, Harsha M. Evaluation of effects of essential oil vapors on the bacterial count in bioaerosols. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2022 Oct-Dec;26(4):601. |
3. | Prakash AJ, Christina SS, Lakshmi MV, Polishetty N. Basal cell adenocarcinoma of the minor salivary gland- A rare case report involving the upper lip. JCRT 2022; 18(3) |
4. | Vishwaprakash Shetty, G.Beulah Sukanya, A.Jacob Prakash, M.Vijayalakshmi, “Ominous aspects of oral cancer among dentists of Andhra Pradesh- A questionnaire-based survey”,IJDSIR,june-2022.5(3),538-542 |
5. | Rao AJ, Reddy M, Mahanthi VL, Chalapathi KV. Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in a 14 year old girl: a case report. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2019 Apr 1;15(3):715-8. |
6. | Saluja P, Arora M, Dave A, Shetty VP, Khurana C, Madan A, Rai R, Katiyar A. Role of Cytokeratin-7 in the pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts-an immunohistochemical study. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports. 2019 Jul;92(3):282. |
7. | Madhireddy MR, Prakash AJ, Mahanthi V, Chalapathi KV. Large follicular odontogenic keratocyst affecting maxillary sinus mimicking dentigerous cyst in an 8-year-old boy: a case report and review. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 2018 Jul;11(4):349. |
8. | Neerupakam M, Prakash J, Koduri S, Vishnubhatla T. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the mandible in HIV patient-A Rare Case Report. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. 2018 Jan;9(1):110. |
9. | Buduru K, Podduturi SR, Prakash J. Central giant cell granuloma: A case report and review. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2017 Apr 1;29(2):145-8. |
1. Karthik B. K, Bopanna N. K, Vinnakota N. R, Ushakiran T,G.Anvesh, Kallakuri P. Evaluation of efficacy of two herbal mouthwashes with 0.2% chlorhexidine: a double blind randomized controlled trial, Global Journal of Research Analysis, volume-8, Issue-1:2019;245-248.
2. Gandham A, Boppana NK, Vinnakota NR, Burri KK, Kiran Th U, Pallepati A. Assessment of musculoskeletal disorders and associated risk factors among dentists in Rajahmundry City: A cross-sectional study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent,17,2: 2019;114-8.
Ushakiran T, Bopanna N.K, Vinnakota N.R, Karthik B.K, G.Anvesh, Pallepati A. Knowledge, attitude and practices of school teachers towards oral health in Manipur, India, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-8, Issue-2:2019;44-51.
4. Velamala A, Bopanna N.K, Vinnakota N.R, Karthik B.K, Kallakuri P, Yeluripati N, Burri K.K. Prevalence of root caries among elders living in residential homes of Rajahmundry city, India, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-8, Issue-2:2019;10-12.
5. Kallakuri P, Kumar B.N, Narayana Rao V, Nirupama Y.S, Velamala A, Ushakiran.Th. Assessment of attitude and implementation of eco-friendly dental office strategies among dental practitioners in a city practice area of south Indian state, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-8, Issue-2:2019; 27-31.
6. Nirupama YS, Boppana NK, Vinnakota NR, Thetakala RK, Kallakuri P, Karthik BK. Indian women dentists perspectives towards balancing professional, personal and social responsibilities. Indian J Dent Res. 2020 May-Jun;31(3):358-362.
7. Prasanth Tumarada, Naveen Kumar B, Narayana Rao V, Akhil P, Anvesh G, Krishna D, “Awareness Regarding Cross – Infection and Infection Control Among Patients Attending Dental Clinics in Rajahmundry City, East Godavari District – A Cross Sectional Study”, IJDSIR- June – 2021, Vol. – 4, Issue – 3, P. No. 500 – 505.
8. V.S.Krishna, B.Naveen Kumar, V. Narayana Rao, P. Akhil, G. Anvesh, K.S.Chaitanya Ram, “Beliefs about medicines and self-medication among patients with dental pain in outreach programs – A cross sectional study”, IJDSIR- June – 2021, Vol. – 4, Issue – 3, P. No. 493 – 499.
9. Kadiyala S.C.R, Vinnakota N. R, Boppana N K, Pallepati A, Gandham A, Tumarada P, Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Oral Health Care among Pharmacists in Kakinada City-Andhra Pradesh, Int J Pharm Biol Sci. (2021) 11 (2): 154-160
10. Bhupathi S R, Kumar B N, Rao N V, Pallepati A, Gandham A, Rani I S, “Knowledge and perceptions about Covid19 among the undergraduate and postgraduate dental students in East Godavari district: A cross-sectional survey”, IJDSIR.2021: 4(6);368 – 376.
11. Sandhya Rani, Kumar B N Rao N V, Pallepati A, Gandham A, Priyadarsini P M R, “Dental Student knowledge, perception and readiness towards virtual education in east Godavari district – A cross-sectional study, IJDSIR.2021: 4 (6);249 – 260.
12. Priyadarsini P M R , Rao N V, Pallepati A, Gandham A, Santhi Priya B. Evaluation of oral and general health-related quality of life on patients suffering with covid-19 in east Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh-A cross-sectional study‖, IJDSIR. 2022: 5(3): 429 – 435.
13. Koruprolu R L, Kumar B N, Narayana Rao Vinnakota, Zabirunnisa Begum, Anvesh Gandham, Praneetha Kallakuri, “Assessment of anxiety and stress during covid-19 second wave among the students of dental college -A cross-sectional study”, IJDSIR- May – 2022, Vol. – 5, Issue – 3, P. No. 156 – 165.
14. Sindhura T, Naveen Kumar B, Narayana Rao V, Anvesh G, Akhil P, Zabirunnisa MD. Assessment of social media usage for medical information among medical and dental students. Int J Health Sci Res. 2023; 13(6):241-247.
15. Chandini D., Kumar N., Begum Z., G A., Rajasekhar. Prevalence of tobacco use among teachers and effect of training in quitting tobacco use: A quasi–experimental study; International Journal of Dental Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 55-60