Minority Cell

Minority cell

Minority cell in Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences was established during the year 2021-22 with the following members for the purpose of empowering the minority communities like Christian, Muslim etc in the institute. The Institute has been very much keen to avail services to the educational and cultural needs by the minority communities along with other caste, creed and Nationality.

Composition for 2023-2024

S.No Name Designation Position Contact
1 Dr Jacob Prakash Professor Chair Person 9618191615
2 Dr. ASIYA FATIMA Reader Member 9972399699
3 Mrs. Y. Latha Lecture Member 7416781875
4 Ms. NIKITA MUKHERJEE Lecture Member 8621094834
5 Dr. M. Riya Meghana Post Graduate Student Student Member 8985944829
6 Naafia Almas Sheik Final Year BDS Under Graduate Student 8886669286

Objectives of the cell

  1. To encourage affordable educational opportunities for minorities.
  2. To facilitate financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
  3. To encourage to enroll for career orientation programs which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options.
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